Morphogenic Labs is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. We recognise the importance of upholding human rights and ethical practices throughout our operations and supply chain. This Modern Slavery Policy outlines our commitment to combating modern slavery and sets forth our expectations for employees, suppliers, contractors, and business partners.
1. Policy Statement
1.1 Definition of Modern Slavery:
Modern slavery encompasses slavery, forced labour, human trafficking, and other forms of exploitation. It involves the deprivation of an individual's freedom for the purpose of labour or services through coercion, deception, or other means.
1.2 Commitment:
Morphogenic Labs has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to ensuring that our business and supply chain are free from any form of modern slavery. We strive to promote ethical practices, transparency, and accountability throughout our organisation.
2. Responsibilities
2.1 Management Responsibility:
Morphogenic Labs management team is responsible for implementing and monitoring the effectiveness of this Modern Slavery Policy. They are accountable for raising awareness, promoting compliance, and integrating anti-slavery principles into our business practices.
2.2 Employee Responsibility:
All employees are expected to familiarise themselves with this policy, adhere to its principles, and report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery or human trafficking promptly. Employees are encouraged to participate in training programmes and to maintain awareness of the risks associated with modern slavery.
3. Due Diligence
3.1 Supply Chain Assessment:
Morphogenic Labs is committed to conducting due diligence to assess and address the risks of modern slavery in our supply chain. We strive to work with suppliers and business partners who share our commitment to ethical practices and human rights. Regular assessments are conducted to evaluate their compliance with this policy.
3.2 Supplier Code of Conduct:
We expect our suppliers, contractors, and business partners to comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to modern slavery and human trafficking. Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our expectations and requirements for ethical practices, fair labour conditions, and human rights.
4. Reporting and Compliance
4.1 Reporting Suspected Violations:
Morphogenic Labs encourages all individuals to report any suspected violations of this policy promptly. Reports can be made through the designated reporting channels, such as the company's whistleblowing hotline or to the Human Resources department. All reports will be handled confidentially and investigated appropriately.
4.2 Compliance Monitoring:
We are committed to monitoring and auditing compliance with this policy and relevant laws and regulations. Regular assessments will be conducted to identify and address any potential risks of modern slavery within our organisation and supply chain.
5. Training and Communication
5.1 Training Programmes:
Morphogenic Labs provides regular training and awareness programmes to employees, suppliers, and contractors to ensure a clear understanding of modern slavery risks, identification of potential indicators, and the actions required to prevent and address any incidents of modern slavery.
5.2 Communication:
This Modern Slavery Policy is communicated to all employees, suppliers, and business partners. It is also made available to the public through our website and other appropriate channels.
6. Review and Improvement
6.1 Policy Review:
This Modern Slavery Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its ongoing effectiveness and relevance. Changes will be made as necessary to address emerging risks, legislative requirements, and best practices.
6.2 Continuous Improvement:
Morphogenic Labs is committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to combat modern slavery. We will work collaboratively with stakeholders to develop and implement strategies aimed at eradicating modern slavery in all its forms.
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